MORA Beauty

For beauty and more joy in life

The result speaks for itself


Beauty is a central theme of our time. But what exactly does beauty actually mean? Is it the visual impression, the influence of fashion? Is beauty dependent on the opinion of the day?

The term “beauty” encompasses almost all aspects of human existence. For us, beauty means that we perceive each person with his personal charisma and thus in his individual beauty … and that is where the concept of MORA Beauty comes in!

In the early 70s of the last century, Dr. med Franz Morell and his son-in-law, Dipl. Ing. Erich Rasche, explored the bioresonance process.

Their groundbreaking discoveries led to the construction of a biophysical medical device.

In 1977, they developed the unique MORA-Therapy: A holistic diagnosis and treatment method with the proven MORA oscillations.

Over the years, the devices, software and applications have been continuously improved and expanded. The products are extensively tested in the MORA research laboratory.

The latest product of this work is MORA Beauty.


New standards in bioresonance technology!


Nine out of ten women over 30 can confirm: The frustration of having cellulite on thighs and buttocks is great. Top models and movie stars aren’t spared either. While connective tissue weakness is a purely cosmetic problem – but this is a faint consolation for the women concerned.

Despite great promises from numerous manufacturers, the treatments, which are often very expensive and lengthy, have so far remained without significant or even sustainable success. Not least because the measures lack any modern scientific basis.

All modules can be installed and applied individually as well as in combination.

But MORA Beauty can do even more: Specific software modules expand the range of applications. Soothing relaxation and stress relief are possible as well as visible wrinkle reduction, sustainable detoxification and weight reduction or applications for nails, skin, hair and eyes. In addition, a module has been developed specifically for smoking cessation.

New standards in bioresonance technology!


Nine out of ten women over 30 can confirm: The frustration of having cellulite on thighs and buttocks is great. Top models and movie stars aren’t spared either. While connective tissue weakness is a purely cosmetic problem – but this is a faint consolation for the women concerned.

Despite great promises from numerous manufacturers, the treatments, which are often very expensive and lengthy, have so far remained without significant or even sustainable success. Not least because the measures lack any modern scientific basis.

All modules can be installed and applied individually as well as in combination.

But MORA Beauty can do even more: Specific software modules expand the range of applications. Soothing relaxation and stress relief are possible as well as visible wrinkle reduction, sustainable detoxification and weight reduction or applications for nails, skin, hair and eyes. In addition, a module has been developed specifically for smoking cessation.



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