
Stopping smoking – an endeavor many peoplemake dailey. The first step in the right direction is already made with this decision.

Now only the appropriate preparations with the module for smoking cessation have to be madeand there is nothing in the way of a smoke-free life!


Smoke cessation

Stop smoking


  • Successful smoking cessation without chemicals
  • no medication
  • almost no withdrawal symptoms
  • Detox for the whole body
  • Individually adapted to the customer

The application at a glance


  • Filling out the analysis sheet together with the customer
  • Analysis of the customer type to determine the appropriate program (must be determined by the segment
  • Before the first application half a cigarette should be smoked. Their ashes and the remaining part are needed for the application.
  • Execution of the individually adapted application to the customer
  • Application duration and interval: Usually 1 application is sufficient!
    However, if the desire to smoke is to overwhelming, a second application can take place 72 hours after the first application. Under some circumstances, the third application may be required after 72 hours.



6 + 3 =


7 + 6 =